For whom: Women and children of Tokat Ayvalı and Ormandibi villages
With whom: AÇEV, Volunteers and employees of AÇEV (Mother Child Education Foundation), university students, local craftsmen, village women and children, local volunteers
When: 2015
We realized design and application workshops in Tokat on 23-28 June 2015 within the scope of ‘Women and Children Spaces” project, that we keep doing in 5 villages of Tokat together with AÇEV since 2014. We carried out on-site design works for Akın and Güryıldız villages, while realizing the applications of Ayvalı and Ormandibi projects, whose design process was started in January and February in AÇEV Istanbul office.
The work for Ayvalı and Ormandibi villages, which started with two design meetings on January 31st and February 7th in the head office of AÇEV, continued with the presentations made on February 10th. The designs produced by 15 university students from different schools in groups of 2 and 3 were brought to the villages on 13-14 February in order to get feedback from the women who will own the spaces.
During the visit in 22-28 June, where 8 members from our association and 9 university students from different schools participated, we first went to Akın Village and developed design ideas on the second floor of the old school lodge. We continued to work at the Tokat center in the evening on the ideas that were developed in line with the wishes of the women in the villages in previous discovery studies. On the second day of the workshop, we visited the women and children’s place in the village of Keşlik, which was completed on November 2014, and afterwards we went to the village of Güryıldız and realized design works in the same manner as with Akın Village. We will conclude these design works that started on site in the coming days and go back to the both of the villages for application.
On the third day of the workshop, we arranged furniture specially designed for the project and made interior arrangements in Ayvalı, the most remote village in Zile. We have produced a raised wooden floor with different levels for children in Ayvalı, where movable cabinets, tables and seats for variable usage was also applied. On the fifth day of the workshop, after having a one-day break to visit the Tokat city center and Ballıca Cave, we went to Ormandibi village of Almus district and performed application works such as repairing the floors and painting. The missing application works were completed by the craftsmen from the villages and the AÇEV team.
Here you can find the photo album of the project. And you can access the project booklet from here.
We are planning to complete the works in the two remaining villages (Akın ve Güryıldız) until the end of the year. We sincerely thank our project partner AÇEV, who have welcomed us in the hottest way since the first day, our project supporters, all the participants and villagers.
Participants: Aladdin Eraslan, Ali Gökaslan, Atahan Sevdi, Beliz Kalkan, Burak Yıldırım, Burçak Oto, Cansu Saka, Ceren Bek, Ceren İlter, Demet Yıldırım, Dilara Kara, Emre Gündoğdu, Emine Kuzutürk, Ercan Mutlu, Ezgi Şen, Gülsemin Akay, Hilal Acar, Kadriye Sipahioğulları, Merve Gül Özokcu, Merve Güzel, Nail Çekiç, Sarper Takkeci, Şizen Türkal, Umman İrice, Yasemin Sünbül, Zeynep Betül Tağ, Zeynep Zeren ve Akın, Güryıldız, Keşlik, Güryıldız ile Ormandibi villagers