For whom: High school students
With whom: Becoming Architect
When: 2012
Noodle is a workshop that is a part of the second-leg of the “Becoming Architect” event, by participation of fifteen high school students, on 5th of May, 2012. In this event where the students got to know about architecture, an installation was done using 200 pool noodles in SALT Galata.
On the first part of the workshop participants brainstormed for collaborative work after individually exploring the potential of the material. Students were divided into two groups and started to work on abstraction of a “trapped fish” image. The final products were placed in the well hole.
On the collaboration-focused second part, students, probably facing for the first time with notions like space analysis, design phase and abstraction, completed the workshop by putting the final products.
Here you can find the photo album of the workshop.